Sunday, December 21, 2008


We all love chocolate. Including my puppy. Today, while everyone was at church, My puppy, Harpo, got into one of the presents under the Christmas tree. The present was full of Ghiradeli chocolate squares. He ate 3 or 4 of the squares, and when we got home, he was bouncing off the walls. He has chocolate poisoning, and my parents are taking him into the vet as we speak. Well, as I write, anyway. I can't help but feel as if this is all my fault, after leaving out that half-eaten box of candy from Kate yesterday afternoon. He was chewing on the wrappers, but I don't even know if it was wrappers from the pieces I ate, or the pieces I didn't, because my mom threw away all of it. 
The treatment is probably what scares me the most. Induced vomiting. Uggghhhhh. I just hope the little fluff ball of hyperness and love is alright. Stupid Womple-butt.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

no life... Yeah, right!

I thought I was going to have no life whatsoever now that Hanging of the Greens was over and done with. But I have been bombarded with a constant string of emails and facebook comments since closing. And, my friends and classmates have been shooting questions at me about... a certain someone from the show. And when they fond out how old this person is and what grade they're in, it got even worse. So I've been kept pretty busy between school, friends, and my Greenies. We haven't lost touch, and something tells me we won't be anytime soon. At least I hope not. And I know that they hope we won't, too.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Missing my Greenies...

It's been two days since The Hanging of the Greens closed. In that time, I've been heard to say things along the lines of "I now have no life until auditions for the next show". The only songs that have been played on my mp3 player have been What Is This Feeling? and Popular, from the Wicked soundtrack, because it makes me feel closer to those moments getting ready in the dressing room before shows, belting out songs. Once I get Fearless by Taylor Swift, that will be played about as often for memories' sake. My friends have never met even one person in the cast, but I have talked about everyone so often yesterday and today that they are somewhat sick of them. I have been looking on Facebook and at my email every 15 minutes or so, hoping for some sort of update from one of the wonderful people who put together this show. I have worn my greens ring that Ian gave me the entire time except for when I'm sleeping. I loved every one of them, maybe some in different ways than others, but every person who had something to do with the show all the same. I brought the DVD of the show in to school, and we are going to watch it in my homeroom after winter break, because I managed to talk the teacher into it. I miss and love everyone, and hope to see or hear from you again soon.